How To Enable Windows Built-in Administrator Account

In PowerShell, you can enable the built-in Administrator account on a local machine by using the net user command or the LocalUser cmdlet available in the Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts module (available in PowerShell 5.1 and later). Here’s how you can do it using both methods:

Using ‘net user’ Command

The net user command is a legacy command available in Command Prompt but can also be executed from PowerShell.


Run the following steps in PowerShell with administrative privileges.

Set the desired password, run the following command:

$PlainTextPassword = '{password}'  # Replace with the desired password

Enable the Administrator account, run the following command:

net user Administrator $PlainTextPassword /active:yes

This command sets the built-in Administrator account to active.

Using ‘LocalUser’ Cmdlet

In PowerShell 5.1 and later, you can use the Enable-LocalUser cmdlet from the Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts module to enable the built-in Administrator account.


Run the following steps in PowerShell with administrative privileges.

Set the desired password, run the following command:

$PlainTextPassword = '{password}'  # Replace with the desired password

Enable the Administrator account, run the following command:

# Import the LocalAccounts module
Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts

# Enable the built-in Administrator account
Enable-LocalUser -Name "Administrator"

# Convert the password to a secure string
$SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $PlainTextPassword -AsPlainText -Force

# Set the new password
Set-LocalUser -Name Administrator -Password $SecurePassword

This cmdlet enables the built-in Administrator account.


This procedure is now complete. Your Administrator account is enabled.


The built-in Administrator account is usually disabled by default for security reasons. Enabling it can pose a security risk if not managed properly. Always ensure that it’s secured with a strong password and that you understand the implications of enabling it.