Release notes - Attune v4.0.x



AT-268 Upgrade Python to 3.6.8

AT-317 Move Attune LargeFileRequest to txHttpUtil

AT-319 Adapt Attune to use the latest VortexJS/VortexPY from Peek

AT-324 Implement PLPython3 calls

AT-325 Write all job updates to the DB and remove memory caching (Log, Progress, State)

AT-326 Change all loads of job status to load from the DB with PLPython3

AT-332 Create new Angular10 jobs page

AT-358 Style Login Screen


AT-253 gitpython 3.x.x doesn’t run in Python 2.7

AT-316 Attune ‘Deploy Archive’ steps use blowfish cipher for large files by default.

AT-363 Unable to export procedures as text or .atp files


AT-351 Reformat with Black, Prettier and fix TSLink