Deploy Archive

Attune deploys archives by decompressing them on the Attune server and then copying the files over to the remote host.

Deploy to Linux Host

When the deploy step uses a value of a server with type “Linux/Unix”, Attune switches to using SSH file deployments.

File deployments to linux hosts are transferred over the SCP/SSH prototol.

Locked TAR archive deployments have a special deployment that allows high performance deployments. TAR files are streamed over the SSH client and decompressed / extracted on the remote host.

This is equivilent to :

cat fileOnAttune.tar.bz2 | ssh user@remoteHost 'tar xvjf - -C deployPath'

Deploy to Windows Host

When the deploy step uses a value of a server with type “Windows”, Attune switches to using CIFS (AKA Samba/SMB) file deployments. To enable file and print sharing, please see connecting_to_windows_no_domains.

File deployments are currently supported for windows 7 / Windows 2008R2, and use Direct hosting of SMB over TCP/IP (port 445), and not older NetBIOS over TCP/IP (port 139)

To enable WinRM and file and print sharing, please see Setup WinRM, CIFS Manually.