Configuration Archives

Attune has a template engine that allows you to deploy files which contain markup using Mako, an embedded Python language. The template engine processes the files in a configuration archive and renders the final outputs.

More information about Mako templates, and the syntax used for the configuration archives files can be found at

Creating a Configuration Archive

All files in Attune, including configuration files, are stored in Archives. Create a new Template in Attune’s Archives screen, give it a name, and select the ‘Template Files’ type from the drop down list. Click the ‘Create’ button to create the Archive. Make sure it is unlocked and able to be modified.


Name of the new Template Archive


Lock / Unlock button. Make sure Archive is unlocked and contents are editable


Archive Type list - select ‘Template Files’


Button to create file with Attune’s editor. You can create your template file, or any other script or text file and save it in the current Archive.


Area to drop files into Archive. Template files, any other files, created with an external editor can be dropped into this area to add them to the Archive.


List of files contained in the Archive. You can click on the ‘Open’ button on the left to view or edit the individual files with Attune’s built in editor.


Buttons to Save changes to Archive, Reset changes made since previous save, or Delete the Archive

The Attune editor is the easiest way of creating the template file and adding it to your archive. It can also create any other program, script, or text based files. Your template file will need a name. The path, which is optional, is where the file will be deployed to after it has been processed by the template engine. Add your template code in the ‘Contents’ area and click on the ‘Create’ button at the bottom to create the template file and add it to the archive.


Elements in the code such as ${server.ip} are not variables - they are elements of the mako template language, that will be processed by the template engine. When a procedure step is created that deploys the template archive, these parameters will be assigned to Attune Variables. Values will the be assigned to the Variables in a Plan, prior to job. Template Archive files can also contain other non-template files. These files will not be processed by Attune’s template engine, and will be deployed normally.

When you have created, or added, a template file to the Template Archive it will appear in the list of files. Click on the ‘Save’ button to save any changes you have made to the Archive.

Deploying a template Archive in a Procedure

Templates are deployed in Attune by using a ‘Deploy Template Archive’ step in an Attune procedure. Create, or select a procedure that you want to deploy a Template Archive, and click the ‘Add’ button to create a new Procedure step. The details for the new step will appear on the right pane. At the top there is a drop down box showing the type of Procedure step - this will default to ‘Execute Shell Step’. Change this to ‘Deploy Template Archive’ in the drop down list, and some additional options will appear

You will need to select Server and OS Credential Variables from the drop down list. This specifies the Server and a login for the Server where the template will be deployed. You will need Variables of the correct types ( Server and OS Credential ) defined so they can be selected. The variables serve to hold a value - the actual values (values) will be assigned to these variables in a Plan before the Procedure is executed. As long as you assign variables of the appropriate type to the parameters in the template file, you will be able to assign whatever values you need to them in the Plan.

The Archive containing the template is also selected from a drop down box - so it must be created in the Archives screen first. When the Archive is selected, more details are displayed - including a list of the files contained in the Archive.


Step Name - name of the Procedure Step that deploys the Template Archive


Server - The server the Template Archive is to be deployed on


OS Credential - OS Credential (userid/password) for the Server the Template Archive will be deployed on


Name of Template Archive File Selected from a drop-down list. Template Archives must be created first in the Archives screen before they can be selected.


Deploy Path - optional path for file that has been rendered by the Template Engine.


List of files contained in the Template Archive File. This list will appear after the Template Archive File has been selected. You can click on the ‘Open’ button on the left to view or edit the individual files with Attune’s built in editor.


Map Template parameters to Values The Template file in the Archive uses the Mako template engine, which is based on Python. The template file can use variables, and you may need to be able to assign values to these Template Variables. This area is where you can assign Attune Placeeholders to the Mako template variables used in the Template file.


Button to test Template File Generation This button allows you to test the operation of the template file - to see if the template file is processed by the template engine. If there are problems or errors generated during the test, the template file can be edited with Attune’s built in editor by clicking on the ‘Open’ button to the left of the template file. This allows you to make changes or alterations to your template file and test the results while you are working on your Procedure steps.


Optional comment, descriptions, instructions, etc


Buttons to:

  • Save Changes

  • Reset changes back to last save

  • Unlink ( Delete ) the current step from the main procedure

When the Template File has been tested and you are satisfied that it runs as required, click the ‘Save’ button to save your Procedure step. To run your procedure and deploy the Template Archive you will need to create a Plan, and assign Values to the Variables you have used in your procedure. The plan can then be run from the Attune Dashboard, or from a Job.

Packaging Template with a Procedure for Export

You can export a procedure to a file with a .atp extension which can be then distributed to other people. They can then import the procedure into their Attune installations. When you export a procedure you have the option to also include any of the Archives and Values that are used in the procedure.

When you click on the ‘Export’ button to export your procedure, a dialog appears which shows the Archives and Values used in the procedure. The Archives and Values are on separate tabs. Check the box to the left of the Archives and Variables you wish to include in your exported procedure, and then click the ‘Export’ button to create the file containing your procedure, and any Archives and Values you have included with it.


When you click on the ‘Export’ button to export your procedure, a dialog appears which shows the Archives and Values used in the procedure. The Archives and Values are on separate tabs. Check the box to the left of the Archives and Variables you wish to include in your exported procedure, and then click the ‘Export’ button to create the file containing your procedure, and any Archives and Values you have included with it.

When the procedure is run, the mako in the configuration file is processed by the template engine, and the output is generated. For example, the mako code shown in the code window above could be rendered as -


Templates are a powerful feature of Attune - you can write blocks of Python code in a template. They combine well with other features of Attune, such as Procedures, Variables and Values to provide substantial power and flexibility. You can also package a template and a procedure to process the template, into a single file which can be easiy distributed.