
Attunes Schedules allow you to set Plans to run automatically at a designated date and time, or a series of different dates and times.

They allow you to set Plans to run at regular designated intervals starting at a particular date and time. You will need to have the Plans defined in the Plans screen first.


List of defined schedules with search box to find a schedule in the list


Add Button - to create new schedule


Button to enable or disable the Attune scheduler on or off. The button is green when the scheduler is active. The button is red when the scheduler is turned off


Name of Schedule Each schedule needs a unique name. The schedule name will be different to the name of the Plan to be executed in the schedule.


Number of jobs to be kept Specifies the number of the most recent Jobs of the Plans in the current schedule to be kept with their respective Plans in the Jobs section. When the scheduler runs the Plans specified in the schedule a Job will be generated for each Plan, each time it is run. In the jobs screen, each of these Plans is listed in the left hand pane. If a Plan has more than one saved Job, there will be a drop down button on the right. Click on this button to display the list of jobs, with their date and time of job shown. Clicking on one of these jobs will show details of which steps of the procedure executed properly, and details of any procedure steps that failed.


Enabled button - shows whether currently selected schedule is enabled or disabled. Scheduled events can be set up and disabled when not required. They can then be enabled again later.


Comments You can add descriptions, explanations and notes related to the current schedule


Date and time for job. Specify dates and times for Plans to execute. You can get a plan to repeat on a regular basis by checking the repeat box, and selecting a time internal for the plan to repeat. You can also add a number of other dates and times for the plan to execute - these can also be repeating if required. Each of these planned starts has an ‘Enabled’ button on the left hand side. They are enabled by default when you create them. You can disable a particular schedule by clicking the button and setting job at that particular start date to ‘Disabled’. There is also a button on the right hand side that will delete a particular scheduled start date when clicked.


The Plan, or Plans, to be executed. These will need to be defined in the Plans section - where you specify the Procedure to be executed, and assign values to any variables used in the procedure. Select a Plan from the drop-down list. You can then select other Plans to run, with an optional delay period between them. This allows you to run a sequence of Plans. You can delete a Plan from the sequence by clicking on the ‘x’ button at the right of the Plan you wish to delete from the schedule.


Actions to be taken when schedule has run You can set up a schedule so it sends emails to designated email addresses, depending on the the outcome produced by the job of the plan in the schedule. For example, you can set a schedule to email one email address if the schedule runs successfully, or email different address if it fails.


Save Reset Delete Buttons Click the Save button to save the schedule details you have added. The ‘Reset’ button will clear all the details you have added and set all fields back to their default values. The ‘Delete’ button will delete the currently selected schedule.