Install Attune

This section describes how to install attune in to a prepared Linux environment.


Setup sudo access for Attune, Run this step as root.

echo "attune        ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/attune



All these steps must be run as the attune user

Create the attune SQL user:

sudo su - postgres -c "createuser -d -r -s attune"

Create the database:

createdb -O attune attune

Set the PostGreSQL attune users password:

psql <<EOF

# Set the password as "PASSWORD" for development machines
# Set it to a secure password from for production

Cleanup traces of the password:

[ ! -e ~/.psql_history ] || rm ~/.psql_history

Bash Profile

Setup the profile for Attune, Edit ~/.profile and append the following lines

cat <<"EOF" >> ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=~/python/bin:$PATH

Close the shell


Re-open the shell


Create the Attune config file

[ -d ~/attune.home ] || mkdir ~/attune.home
cat <<"EOF" >> ~/attune.home/config.cfg

home_path = /home/attune/attune.home
archives_path = %(home_path)s/archives_contents
tmp_path = %(home_path)s/tmp
archives_unlocked_contents = %(home_path)s/archives_unlocked_contents

# path to migration scripts
script_location = /home/attune/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/attune/alembic
sourceless = true
sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://attune:PASSWORD@localhost/attune



Replace the PASSWORD with the password set for the postgresql attune user

Set Git User

Run the following command to setup the commit user for git.

git config --global "attune@attune.local"
git config --global "Attune"

Deploy Attune

This section sets up the python virtual environment for Attune and deploys the Attune packages.

Stop Attune if it’s running:

sudo systemctl stop attune

pkill -9 -f run_attune_server

Remove existing releases from the server:

rm -rf ~/synerty-attune-v*

Remove the existing attune virtual environments if required:

rm -rf ~/python

Create a new python virtual environment where all of the Attune packages will be installed. Run the following command:

virtualenv ~/python

Make sure the python virtualenv is in the PATH

which python
[ '/home/attune/python/bin/python' == `which python` ] && echo 'Success' || echo 'FAILED!!!'

Copy the Attune release to the server, to the attune users home directory, as the user attune.

For example: synerty-attune-v3.0.0-release.tar.bz2

Install the latest Attune:


tar xvjf synerty-attune-v*.tar.bz2
pushd synerty-attune-v*-release

# Deploy the software
pip install --upgrade --no-cache --no-index --find-links=py py/attune-*.tar.gz

# Install the init script
sudo cp init/attune.service /lib/systemd/system/

# Return to the last dir

Try running Attune manually:

which run_attune_server

Kill the server with Control + C

Finally, enable the Attune service and Auto Start:

sudo systemctl enable attune
sudo systemctl start attune

Attune setup is complete.