First Steps with Attune

Create Variables

These are used in the procedures as placeholders for the real servers and credentials. Create two variables in Attune, we’re using Linux in this example.

  • Create a Windows or Linux OS Credential

  • Create a Windows or Linux Server


Create Values

These are the actual values for the servers and credentials.

  • Create a Windows or Linux Server

  • Create a Windows or Linux OS Credential


Create a Procedure

A procedure contains all the scripts and steps to run.

Create the procedure step :


Create the shell step :


Create a Plan

Plans map the procedure, variables and values together.


Once you click create, you can then enter the mapping for the values :


Create a Job

Finally, Create and run a job. A job is the running of a plan.


Now you can run the job



You’ve just automated your own procedure, making it easy for the whole team to run your script.